April 6, 2020, Volume 22, No. 27
If you have a suggestion for the Maintenance Update, please send it to maintenance.line@usps.gov
Serving Postal Service Maintenance Professionals
Special Edition
Conduct CTC 2 Day, CTC 1 Day Postmaster,
and Monthly Refresher Training via ZOOM
Please share with plant management, operations, maintenance, and other personnel as needed.
Due to staffing shortages resulting from influenza and coronavirus along with newly hired Labor Distribution
Code (LDC) 38 Labor Custodians, HQ Maintenance Operations is authorizing a temporary option for Custodial
Team Cleaning (CTC) Champions to conduct CTC training via ZOOM. If students are within the facility where
training is being conducted, training may still be completed in a normal classroom setting provided there are no
more than 10 students. If students are unable to travel to the facility where the class is being conducted,
ZOOM may be used for the training.
This is an EXCEPTION authorized by HQ Maintenance Operations to avoid
congregating in groups of more than 10 employees due to the current
coronavirus pandemic. All training conducted in a classroom setting MUST
adhere to the 6-foot rule and abide by social distancing. If an employee is ill, or
shows signs of being ill, they are to be removed from the course and be
rescheduled when they are recovered.
When pandemic restrictions end, all training procedures MUST return to
the normal procedures to meet contractual obligations.
Clean and healthy Postal facilities must be maintained even when custodian staffing levels are impacted by
staffing shortages or circumstances beyond our control (influenza and coronavirus). All cleaning must follow
MS-47 and CTC training procedures.
A CERTIFIED CTC Champion (Proctor/Instructor) is the only individual permitted to instruct CTC-related
training during in-house or ZOOM meetings.
Month Day, 2012, Volume 14, No X
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Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
The following information ONLY applies to the CTC training that cannot be conducted on site in the
normal classroom setting.
Course of action:
1. The CTC Champion will establish the need to conduct CTC training by validating the number of
custodians who need the training.
2. Establish a ZOOM meeting place with date and time of the ZOOM meeting.
3. If another facility is logging into the training, the Maintenance Manager or designee MUST ensure that
no more than 10 students are in the room at the other facility and they are adhering to the 6-foot rule at
all times.
4. Take role of all participants.
5. CTC Champion will conduct the CTC Training as it is normally conducted during In House Training or
via ZOOM meeting place. All training slides must be presented.
6. No one is authorized to skip any sections (under any circumstances) except those listed in 7a and 7b.
7. All practical evaluation normally demonstrated during the CTC 2 Day/Postmaster Training will be
eliminated and performed during the employees’ first day of On-The-Job Training (OJT).
a. Restroom, Vacuum, Light Duty, and Utility Specialist Positions Practical Field Trip Exercise will be
conducted during OJT.
b. In addition, the requirement to conduct the Jeopardy CTC Games will be eliminated.
c. By removing the Field Trip Exercises and the Jeopardy CTC Games, the training time for the CTC
2 Day/Postmaster Course will be significantly reduced.
8. The Proctor/Instructor must enter all CTC 2 Day/Postmaster Training into HERO in After-The-Fact
Training to ensure the employees who attend training receive the appropriate credit.
9. Immediately after completing the CTC 2 Day Training, when first using the new equipment, all
employees must be observed conducting cleaning activities.
10. The newly trained employees MUST be evaluated by the Manager and/or Supervisor on the correct
procedure to ensure the employee completely understands the material.
11. All Managers and/or Supervisors must complete a CTC Employee Observation on all newly trained
employees using the appropriate forms in the Custodial Workloading (CW) Software.
12. Any CTC Champions who have questions on conducting training should contact the Area CTC
Champion for direction.
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Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
13. To locate all CTC training materials and PowerPoint presentations, go to the MTSC website (Figure 1).
Figure 1. MTSC Website
a. In the right column, select MMSC and click Maintenance Management Support Center
(Figure 2).
Figure 2. MMSC Link on MTSC Website
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Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
b. Log into the MMSC site with ACE ID and password (Figure 3).
Figure 3. MMSC Site Login
c. Click on Choose Category and then select Custodial Team Cleaning (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Choose Category
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Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
d. Under Custodial Services in the left column, open the Procedure for downloading CTC training
materials from MMSC link (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Procedure for Downloading CTC Training Materials from MMSC Link
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Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
e. Follow the instructions in Procedure for downloading CTC training materials from MMSC to
download the CTC presentations from the MMSC webpage. All CTC Training material is located
on the MMSC page (Figure 6).
Figure 6. CTC Training Materials on MMSC Site
f. Click the desired title to download material for the CTC Training topic.
Figure 7. CTC Training Materials
April 6, 2020, Volume 22, No. 27 MTSC HelpDesk: 800-366-4123
600 W. Rock Creek Rd.
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 573-2123
(800) 366-4123
Maintenance Update is a weekly publication
provided by the Maintenance Technical
Support Center. The information herein does
not take precedence over official Postal
Service documentation.
© 2020, United States Postal Service
Maintenance Technical Support Center
Conduct CTC 2-Day, CTC 1-Day Postmaster, and Monthly Training via ZOOM (continued)
14. After CTC Training is completed, record training in HERO After-Fact-Training.
15. Conduct CW Observations on all employees who attended the training to ensure they understand the
requirements and the proper procedures needed to complete the cleaning tasks.
HQ Maintenance Operations